Image use and copyright

Do you want to use images of the artworks in the collection, images of the building, the interiors of the house or the park?
From 26 April 2021, the images can be downloaded in medium-resolution format (JPG) via the digital service Search the collections and the archive on the museum's website. A selection of high-resolution images (TIF) are also free to download and use via Wikimedia Commons. The images belong to the Public Domain and form part of our common cultural heritage. Anyone can use the images freely for any purpose.
Approximately 100 images in the search service Search in the collections and archive are still protected by Visual Copyright Society in Sweden (formerly BUS) and are marked: "© Artist's Name / Visual Copyright Society in Sweden" on the label is a reminder to print the author's name.
The distribution and use of copyrighted images is not free of charge and the user is responsible for checking any copyright with the Visual Copyright Society in Sweden. The pictures are mainly taken by Tord Lund and Per Myrehed but are owned by Thielska Galleriet.
Pictures of furniture and fixtures belong to the Public Domain, as all furniture and handicrafts are made by authors who have been dead for more than 70 years. In order to be able to freely reproduce and use images of letters and postcards, the author must have been deceased for more than 70 years. This also applies to authors of notes, maps and sketches.
All photographs in the archive were taken over 50 years ago and are thus free of copyright. The photographs that have a work height are taken by authors who have been dead for more than 70 years.
Only newspapers older than 115 years are published in the Search the collections and the archive, this is the same principle that the Swedish Royal Library follows when they digitize Swedish newspaper pages.
Administrative costs (VAT-free)
- An administrative fee of SEK 1000 / image for images that are not yet available digitally for the public.
- Artworks can be photographed upon request, the client is responsible for costs. Contact us for price information.
- The image is sent in high resolution to the desired e-mail address with Sprend or similar e-mail service.
- When using images for publications or products, please send an example of publication / product to the museum archive.
If you have any questions, please contact
Thielska Galleriet
Sjötullsbacken 6-8
SE- 115 25 Stockholm, Sweden