New exhibition Touching. Andreas Eriksson and Edvard Munch

5 May 2023

Tomorrow, Saturday May 6, the exhibition Touching. Andreas Eriksson and Edvard Munch opens.

Touching is a duo exhibition of prints by Andreas Eriksson (b. 1975) and Edvard Munch (1863–1944). Munch was a favourite of Signe Maria and Ernest Thiel, and their collection includes nearly all of the Norwegian artist’s prints. It is with great pleasure we now present a large selection of these, in dialogue with works by Andreas Eriksson. Eriksson is a renowned contemporary artist who represented Sweden at the Venice Biennale in 2011 and has had solo exhibitions at Bonniers Konsthall, the Nordic Watercolour Museum in Skärhamn and the Museum of Sketches in Lund. Perhaps best known as a painter, he has also made prints since his late teens.

This exhibition highlights the distinct style of both artists, but also shows how they each bring out new qualities in the works of the other. Juxtaposing Eriksson and Munch in a free format dissolves the notion of a linear art history. The images are liberated from their habitual contexts. By hanging their works from different eras next to each other, new mutual relationships emerge.

The exhibition will be shown in the Söderberg Room on the second floor and the passage adjoining the Salon, and in the Tower Room at the top of the house. An intimate setting congenial to both artists.

Exhibition period May 6–October 1

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